Saturday, December 28, 2019

My morning routine for calm confidence, energy, and focus

My morning routine for calm confidence, energy, and focusMy morning routine for calm confidence, energy, and focusI noticed a trend on Youtube recently that I wanted to hop in on, which is all about sharing how you abflug yur day. In reflecting on my morning practices and rituals, I realize that Ive become quite intentional about how I start the day, but that my rituals are only really solid when Im working from home.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI spend about a quarter of my time traveling forBossed Up Bootcamps(like the one Im hosting in NYC next weekend) orpublic speakingengagements across the country, during which my morning routine gets thrownwayoff. But like everything in life, its not about perfection. Its about being intentional about protecting the practices that fuel me, so I can show up and deliver with the energy and enthusiasm I love bringing to this communityI St art SlowThe first thing you should know about me, is that Im not a morning person. BradTheBoo always beats me out of bed, which is why when Im home, I never use an alarm clock. Charging my phone in the kitchen was the best thing I ever did formy sleepsince Im a bit of an Instagram addict and simply cannot keep my phone in my room without being on it far too late into the evening.I like to aim to get up just after 700 am, after a good amount of morning snuggles with TeddyTheDog and pulling ourblackout curtainsback to let the natural light shine in on us. It helps when Brad delivers coffee to me in bed, which makes me feel like like the luckiest woman alive.But on the rare occasion when my body feels completely wiped and needs more rest, I feel no guilt about sleeping in another hour. If my body is begging for some more snooze time, I generally give it. I tend to go to bed around 1030 or 1100 pm each night, so if Im not feeling well-rested when I wake up at 700 am, it means something else is off.In addition to my morning coffee, I have become dependent on my habit of downinga big glass of water first thing to start my day. Staying hydrated here in the Mile High City can feel like a full-time job, but its so important. It leaves me feeling more alert and awake the rest of the morning.I Get the NewsWhile I make breakfast, Im always playing my local NPR Station (shout-out toColorado Public Radio)on myAmazon Echo dot, and can often be found perusing the SundayNew York Times.I get the paper it delivered to my house once a week, but it lives on my kitchen table as I slowly digest the news all week long. If youfollow me on Instagram, youll probably see me talking about news Ive read in the Sunday paper in my Instagram stories all week long, because thats when Im finally getting around to reading them.While I absorb some national and local news, I scan my inbox and social media accounts to see if theres anything extra exciting or in urgent need of my attention. Usually there isnt, so I leave my inbox alone until later in the morning when Im ready todetox my inbox.Sometimes, if Im itching to get outside first thing in the morning, Ill listen toThe Dailypodcast from the New York Times or Erica Mandysthe Newsworthypodcast to get my round-up of current events instead of reading.I Move My BodyIve made it my mission get outside early in the morning each day with TeddytheDog for a walk in our nearby neighborhood park. Over the past few months as my stress over the launch of theBossed Up Book and planning myupcoming book tourreally ramped up, I realized that when I didnt get these morning walks in, I was a ball of stress for the rest of the day.I try to always make sure I break a sweat at least once a day, preferably in the morning. So whether I power-walk uphill in the park with Teddy, or feel up for running laps in the park or working out in the outdoor gym that the city of Denver provides there, I always make sure Teddy and I get our heart rates up and take at least 30 minutes to start my day this way.About once a week, I replace my morning walk with a local joga class and scoot my way there on my moped with my yoga mat strapped to my back. Ive also recently added boxing classes atBlunt Force Trainingto my routine too, which has officially become my favorite way to blow off steam, and leave my arms feeling chiseled and strong. Plus, I feel like throwing a punch is just a good life skill to have. Ive been aClassPass user for years and love it because it enables me to mix up my workout routine and try out lots of different studios around town.I Fuel My BodyBy the time my morning workout is behind me, Im pretty hungry again, and want to make sure I eat something healthy and hearty to help build muscle throughout the rest of the day.Smoothies have become my favorite, easy, and delicious way to get a whole bunch of nutrients at once, typically includingTone It Up Nutritions Protein Power(my favorite flavor is coconut and you can now find their products atTargetandCVS). I throw in some mix of fruit and (sometimes) veggies, top it off with chia seeds and almond milk, and blend the whole thing up with myimmersion blender.When I have fresh pineapple in the house, I throw in a handful of frozen baby spinach for a tropical, vitamin-rich mix that totally doesnt taste like spinach. Otherwise, I often throw in a half a banana and a handful of berries or some chunks of mango or whatever fresh fruit I have in the house.On the rare occasion that I run out of fruit altogether, in the house, I throw in my leftover coffee from earlier in the morning and make an almond milk-heavy, mocha-flavored smoothie, sometimes adding in cinnamon to the mix, too. Whatever the flavor, I love a good smoothie. Theyre fast, delicious, and nutritious.After a quick shower and washing my face with my favoriteoil cleanser from Crude which you can save 20% off on with code BossedUp at checkout I slather on an undereye serum, sunscreen, and moistur izer, and post up at my home offices desk for the rest of the morning.I CreateI always sit down with my Bossed Up LifeTrackerPlanner (which is currently 25% off in the Bossed Up shop) and take a look at my top priorities for the month, week, and day, before making a daily TO DO list and diving right in.Writing is by far the most challenging and the most valuable work that I do on behalf of Bossed Up, whether that means writing out our social media posts for the day, upcomingblogposts, or proposals fortraining and speaking engagements. I write best when my brain is feeling fresh, so I fraktion off my mornings to focus on creative pursuits exclusively.I useCalendlyto schedule all my meetings and phone calls for the afternoon and work hard to preserve this boundary so my content creation comes first. I often can be found recording podcasts, starting conversations on Instagram stories, or engaging with our bosses in theBossed Up Courage Community on Facebookin these morning hours, dep ending on what the production priorities of the day are.I typically take a mid-morning stretch break around 1030 am or 1100 am to get up, give my eyes a screen break, and have a small snack to keep me focused and engaged and ready to rock the rest of the day.How Do You Kick-Start Your Day?I realize my morning routine is pretty uniquely dependent on the flexibility that comes with working from home and setting my own schedule. But Im always looking for life hacks and new habits to integrate that help set the tone for a productive, stress-free day ahead.What rituals how you found work best for you? Id love to hear from you in the comments belowThis article first appeared on BossedUp.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 C EOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Learn How Benefits Statements Impact Sales

Learn How Benefits Statements Impact SalesLearn How Benefits Statements Impact SalesSalespeople who have gone through basic sales training usually come out the other end very familiar with the cliche features tell, benefits sell. Features are aproducts basic attributes benefits are what your customers will get out of using the product. In other words, features are fact-based and benefits are emotion-based. And sales is all about using emotion to get through to your prospects. Example Lets say youre selling satellite radios. An example of a feature would be the thousands of stations that subscribers can hear no matter where they go. But your prospects dont care about that fact they care about the benefits that come with having thousands of stations available.There are a lot of possible benefits that you can pair with this feature. You might say, Having thousands of stations available at the touch of a button is far more convenient than basic radio. In this example, convenient is t he benefits word. But you could just as easily say, Youll have the security of knowing that your favorite station is always available even if you go out of town, or Having all these stations gives you peace of mind because the right station is out there, or Having all those stations saves you money because you wont have to buy MP3s of your favorite songs. How do you know which is the correct benefit to use for a particular prospect?You ask the prospect. Part of the qualification process is understanding what your prospect wants and needs from you. He must need (and/or want) something or he wouldnt have set aside the time to speak with you. And some prospects will come right out and tell you what they are looking for. But many others wont explain their motivation unless you ask. Once you have an idea of your prospects desires, you can then match those desires with a compatible benefits ansicht. Some examples of frequently used benefits include convenient, saves time, saves money, se cure, prestigious, and easy to use. With a little brainstorming, you can probably come up with many more benefits that apply to your product or service. Opportunities and Benefits A benefit statement should bridge the gap between your products feature and the customers need. Start by repeating back your prospects need as you understand it. You can say something like, You mentioned earlier that you travel a lot and get frustrated that your radio station isnt available when you leave town, correct? Then pause and give him a chance to either correct you or agree with you. Then, assuming he agrees, you can hit him with the benefit statement Well, once youve signed up for satellite radio, youll have the security of knowing that your favorite station is still available when you go out of town. Benefit statements are effective only if you match them up to the prospects specific needs or wants. If you dont take the time to collect that information first, youre shooting in the dark. In t he above example, if you hadnt probed for the prospects motivation and discovered it was wanting to have access to stations everywhere, you might have trotted out the saves you money benefit statements instead. And this benefit statement wouldnt have moved the prospect any closer to buying. In fact, it might have moved him further away because youre ignoring his primary need. A little preparation ahead of time will also help you deploy benefits statements to best advantage. First, make a list of product features and thencome up with a list of one or two benefit statements for each feature on your list. With this list in hand, youll be ready to respond clearly to most prospects needs. Of course, no list will cover every possible situation, but youll have the right response prepared for 95 percent of the prospects you meet.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Seven things people with great intuition do differently

Seven things people with great intuition do differentlySeven things people with great intuition do differentlySteve Jobs once said that intuition is more powerful than intellect. As it turns out, Jobs was onto something, and the scientific community backs him up. It seems that weve been giving intuition far too little respect.Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next. Jonas SalkIn a Salk Institute study, participants were asked to play a card game where they pulled cards from two different decks. The decks were rigged so that one would win more often than the other, but the participants didnt know that- at least, not overtly. It took about 50 cards for participants to consciously realize that the decks were different and about 80 to figure out what that difference was. However, what was really interesting was that it only took about 10 cards for their palms to abflug sweating slightly every time they reached for a card from the losing deck. It was about that same time that they started subconsciously favoring the winning deck.While thats all very interesting in a clinical setting, you have to ask yourself if it holds true in real life. Apparently, it does. When it comes to making major decisions, your intuition can matter just as much as your intellect.In one study, car buyers who relied on careful analysis of all of the available information were happy with their purchases about 25% of the time, while buyers who made quicker, more intuitive purchases were happy with their purchases about 60% of the time.Intuition comes from the primitive brain its an artifact of the early days of man when the brains ability to detect hidden dangers ensured our survival. These days, we use this capability so little that we dont know how to listen to it properly.Whether you listen to it or not, your intuition is healthy and functioning. If you want to make better decisions in life, youd do well to brush up on your intuition skills. You can start by emulating some of the habits of highly intuitive people.They slow down enough to hear their intern voiceBefore you can pay attention to your intuition, you first have to be able to hear it amid the cacophony of your busy life. You have to slow down and listen, which often requires solitude. Taking some time away from the everyday, even something as brief as going for a walk, is a great way to turn up the volume of your intuition.They follow their inner voiceOne of the primary reasons that some people are more intuitive than others is that they actually listen to their gut feeling instead of dismissing or doubting it. And that doesnt mean that they ignore their analytical mind and their critical thinking skills theres a difference between using reason as a system of checks and balances and using it to talk yourself out of what your intuition knows to be true.They practice empathic accuracyId probably lose you if I said that highly intuitive people read minds, so Ill use the scientific term empathi c accuracy. Its not magic its an intuitive awareness of what other people are thinking and feeling, using cues such as body language and tone of voice. Its an extremely powerful form of empathy that helps foster deep connections with other people.They practice mindfulnessMindfulness sounds even more New-Agey than trusting your intuition, but its really just a fancy term for focusing on being in the moment. Mindfulness is a great technique to filter out all of the distractions in your environment- and your brain. When you do that, you can hear your intuition loud and clear.They nurture their creativityDid you ever have one of those paint-by-number kits when you were a kid? Talk about turning art into a science- all you have to do is put the right color in the right little space. You may end up with a pretty painting, but the only intuition involved is guessing what colors youre supposed to use in those really tiny spaces. No paint-by-numbers kit in the world can make a skilled artist create something as novel and monumental as the Sistine Chapel or the Mona Lisa. The missing ingredient is intuition. And, just as intuition is the secret ingredient in creativity, being intentionally creative strengthens your use of intuition.They trust their gutHave you ever made a decision and immediately started to feel sick, maybe even kind of clammy? Well, that affective experience is the bodys way of informing you that the decision your analytic mind came to is at odds with your instinct.They analyze their dreamsIf you accept the science that demonstrates the power of intuition, its not much of a leap to accept that our dreams are often manifestations of intuition. Sure, sometimes dreams are nonsense, but they often try to tell us something. Intuitive people dont just think, Wow, that was a weird dream they ask themselves, Where did that come from, and what can I take away from it?Bringing it all togetherThe science is clear intuition is a powerful force of the mind that can help us to make better decisions. Fortunately, intuition is a skill that you can hone by practicing the habits of highly intuitive people.Travis Bradberryis the co-author ofEmotional Intelligence 2.0and the cofounder ofTalentSmart. This article first appeared at LinkedIn.More from Ladders10 ridiculously smart questions you should ask in a job interviewNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy6 reasons recruiters say theyll toss your resume in the trash

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Learn the Definition and Purpose of a Stipend

Learn the Definition and Purpose of a StipendLearn the Definition and Purpose of a StipendWhat is the definition of a stipend? If youre an intern who will receive one, its important to know both what this term means and its purpose. Astipend is a fixed sum of money paid periodically to titelbild expenses you might incur while working as an intern, for example, and dont have eligibility to accept a regular salary for your work. In some cases, stipends can offer other benefits besides money, such as room and board. Why Companies Offer Stipends Stipends arent performance-based or hours based. Rather, many companies thatcant afford to pay their internson an hourly basis offer stipends to help students cover expenses that typically occur during the course of an internship. This includes costs related to travel, housing, food, and entertainment. If employers plan to offer interns a stipend instead of an hourly wage, they should include that information on the advertisement for the inte rnship and reiterate it during the interview. Many students cant afford to work for a stipend alone and require paying internships to make ends meet. If you can afford to receive a stipend instead of an hourly wage, ask the employer if you cansign a work agreement acknowledging the stipend and when it will be paid. The majority of employers pay out stipends on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Some employers wait until the last day of the internship to distribute stipends. Youll need to know how this process will work, so you can plan when to pay your expenses.If there are any reasons the stipend would not be paid, you should know what they are before starting the internship. Types of Stipends Stipends may be offered to encourage certain activities. For example, academic institutions may offer stipends that work like grants, to incentivize researchers to further their work on certain projects. This could include books, articles, translating works, and interpreting and analyz ing collected data. Some schools offer stipends to help with specific expenses, such as a computer. These stipends may not be used to cover any other expenses. Some employers offer employees a stipend in addition to their regular pay, to cover some or all of the costs of health insurance, a gym membership or education for career or job development. Expenses Students Incur During Internships In the year 2000, a student commonly received a $100 weekly stipend for an eight- to 12-week internship. Since that time, stipends have grown. They coverthe cost of gas, bus tickets, traintickets, Ubers or taxis to get to and from the internship. The cost of travel could range from zero dollars per day (if the student is walking to work) to $30 per day or almost $1800 over the course of an internship. The cost of housing for an internship also varies. Students might be paying close to $400 per week to live in college dorms in major cities. But if an intern lives in the city or with a family m ember over the summer, the cost of living could be nothing. Out-of-area students may need as much as $5,000 for living expenses over the summer. Food costs really depend on the students circumstances and where they are living. They might payextra to be on the college dorms housing meal plan. They might have access to a kitchen (if staying with a relative or a friend) and be able to purchase groceries, or they might need to eat almost every meal out. If the employer is able to cover the cost of food (while at the internship), thats certainly a respected and common gesture. If interns are budgeting wisely and spending $10 per day on food, thatsnearly $1,000 in food costs over the course of a 12-week period. Based on behauptung estimates, students willspend a minimum of almost $1,000 to cover their food over the course of an internship. If they also have food and travel costs to incur, they could be spending upwards of $7,000 for their internship. Keep in mind these figures dontaccount for the several students who pay extra to be enrolled in school over the summer, so they can get credit for their internships. Those costs vary from school to school. These figures also excludeentertainment costs, which typically vary. Employers are not expected to cover the fees associated with an interns social life. What Companies Are Paying Internship stipends are usually given out in increments of $250. Several companies offer $250, $500 or even $1,000 monthly. Generally, the best thing anemployer can do is try tounderstand the expenses students face and come up with a stipend that will amply cover them.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Upside to Cv for Job

The Upside to Cv for Job Details of Cv for Job As stated earlier, its a significant job to draft a suitable fitting CV. Resume Help It is a superb instance of a timeless CV that could work whatever position youre applying for. In nearly every scenario when applying for work you will have to present your CV. You may never fail with the standard CV as its the one which most employers expect to see. There are lots of errors can exist in your CV and itll be left a lousy effect in your work, so you can adopt some expert services of CV Writers for the secrecy of your CV. Consequently, anything youve got experience in, make sure its in your CV. The very first thing you ought to learn about your CV is what it is. The second way it is possible to employ your CV is for employers. A CV should incorporate information related to the job youre applying for. When it has to do with writing a cv it will help to have a good instance of a superior cv to benchmark your own cv against. For i nstance an advertising CV will be quite different from a teaching CV. Only a CV writing service will be able to help you in writing a highly effective CV for job seekers. Curriculum vitae cv some jobs expect a curriculum vitae cv rather than a resume. So you must know where a CV is necessary and where a resume is expected. Your CV can be pretty generic, so long as youre applying to similar roles, but your cover letter should really stick out. The Rise of Cv for Job By way of example, showing that you are conversant with the corporate culture, youre adaptable to different work settings, youre responsible and respectful to people coming from diverse backgrounds can enhance your likelihood of finding the job. On-line job boards, such as CV-Library, are an outstanding place to get started. Nearly everyone thinks it is to find the job If youre struggling to acquire a graduate job, work experience is a good way to acquire more skills and show your determination. Building an attr active CV assists in upping your likelihood of finding the job. It might be only a tad hypocritical coming from me, but and however tempting it can be lying on your CV is almost always a terrible idea. Understanding how to compose a CV English will greatly increase your odds of finding your job. CVs are normally bedrngnis very long, if you dont have a wealthy and varied quantity of education, employment and life experiences. The skills-based CV permits you to center on the skills you have developed in many regions of your life. The employer will observe that keywords and youll get an edge. The CV should allow it to be clear to the probable employer that youre the suitable candidate for the job. The recruiter wont be considering reading more. Your resume should always include things like work experience, most relevant to the place of the job youre applying. A Startling Fact about Cv for Job Uncovered Your covering letter needs to be unique to every work application and oug ht to be customized towards the organization and job being applied for. You must seek out basic things about the organization and the way in which they work. A reference from inside the business goes a very long way in establishing your credibility. Write If youre asking for work abroad or a position in a business is effective on a worldwide degree, you want to prove that you have what is needed to stay informed about their fast paced work environments. VisualCV If you would like to fit everything on a single page, the space-saver CV has become the most suitable format to select, particularly for students. CVs are also required for common job application also in a lot of nations, mainly needed to go into the area of medicines. A chronological CV is excellent if your work titles are extremely impressive or your preceding employer names is very well-known. The absolute most professional CVs are printed on good quality white paper, employing a normal text, but are brilliant becau se of the quantity of useful, exceptional information that they include. Well it doesnt guarantee you a work certainly. however, it can enhance your opportunities for jobs. You might or might notlage include your work experience here. Include any qualifications you could have and any experience in different jobs. Experience working with IEBC doesnt count.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Getting the Best Writing a Resume Skills List

Getting the Best Writing a Resume Skills List Dont claim to get a skill you dont really possess. After youre done Get rid of all of the skills you simply have a simple grasp of. Rather than listing every skill you might have, its far better to list the skills that are related to the position. Assess how good youre at every one of your abilities and talents. A technical writer should have strong communication skills, together with exceptional writing and grammar abilities. Functional resumes are excellent for highlighting transferable skills which are applicable to your new field of work. Thus when writing down your job skills take some time to strategize and find out the very best approach to organize them in your resume. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which it is possible to learn. The Downside Risk of Writing a Resume Skills List Writing a resume skills section is a very effective method of showcasing specific s kills an employer seeks. Youve got to list the precise skills the employer wants. Customer Service skills show whether you find it possible to address interpersonal scenarios. What Writing a Resume Skills List Is - and What it Is Not In truth, it could be appropriate to incorporate a more prominent core competencies section at the peak of your resume with thorough descriptions of certain skills if theyre absolutely central to success in the desired position. For example, if you submit an application for a Chinese-English interpreting job, you have to be fluent in both languages otherwise you would just elend qualify for the position. Ensure you list an assortment of skills your potential employers are looking for, like mentioning your skills in creative content strategy, social networking analytics and search engine optimization (search engine optimization) for a position as a social networking manager. Your resume should secure that response. Facts, Fiction and Writing a Re sume Skills List Luckily, its not hard to understand which skills an employer is searching for as theyre normally clearly specified in the job postings. Hard skills are quantifiable and frequently learned from school or at work. They tend to be more technical, and each industry or type of job will usually have its own required set. Teamwork skills in the workplace are important for the greater part of jobs. Writing general duties is a typical mistake because applicants feel that nursing is comparable to unique hospitals and departments, but in fact, your duties will differ between different facilities. In case the skill doesnt have any application in the current job market, theres not any reason to include it. If you would like to anzeigegert your organization skills, acquiring a tightly structured resume certainly helps. Exceptional people skills are a vital portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that provides you with an opportu nity to shine. Details of Writing a Resume Skills List Go through the list and identify thetransferable resume skills youve got. By following a couple of essential tips, its possible to create a strong resume skills list. Youre able to create a LinkedIn skills list that may be endorsed by other users. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to curb people from asking for free professional services from you

How to curb people from asking for free professional services from youHow to curb people from asking for free professional services from youWe all have them in our social and family circles notorious favor-askers who want to pick your brain for free. The first time you may be flattered, but the next time its your right to speak up and say that you arent in a position to keep helping.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 25, 2019

Beware Foodie calls are on the rise in the US

Beware Foodie calls are on the rise in the USBeware Foodie calls are on the rise in the USMove over, booty call - the foodie call is becoming datings next phenomenon.As many as a third of women admitted to going on a date just for the sake of a free meal, an alarming new trend on the rise, according to a new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science.Two groups of women were broken into separate studies, where they were asked about their personality traits, gender role beliefs, and if theyve ever participated in foodie calls. Twenty-three percent of the first group (820 women) admitted to engaging in foodie call behavior, with some believing it was mora acceptable.Most women from the first study deemed it not acceptable.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn the second group, which analyzed 357 heterosexual women with a similar question set, the percentage was actually higher, with 33% admitting to foodie calls.If youre wondering what a foodie call is, its when a person goes on a date with someone but not for romantic interest. The person is more interested in scoring a free meal than extending pleasantries.Coincidentally, those who said they participated in foodie calls scored higher for personality traits linked to dark triad, often associated with psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism.Several dark traits have been linked to deceptive and exploitative behavior in romantic relationships, such as one-night stands, faking an orgasm, or sending unsolicited sexual pictures, said researcher Brian Collison.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hey, thats me!

Hey, thats meHey, thats meLadders lets you know when recruiters are searching for candidates like you so you can put yur hat in the ring.How do recruiters and employers find you? Half the time theyre searching, half the time theyre posting jobs, and half the time theyre buried under too many bad resumes for the positions that they have open.Weve added Inside Leads to make it easier for you to stand out.When a recruiter or HR manager searches on Ladders for a particular role - a Director of Marketing, or a Lead Developer, or a Sales VP - and our system detects that this is a role theyre recruiting for, well share that information with you.Youll see Inside Lead on the job search results page like this.If you think Hey, thats me when you see what the recruiter or employer is looking for, just click Like and well let the recruiter know.Were always innovating here at Ladders, and were awfully proud of inventing Inside Lead - the first time youll get to see the actual searches of recrui ters and employers in a system.And we think its just one more way to make your search easier and more effective.Marc Cenedellais the Chairman of Ladders, the premier mobile and online job-matching service for career-driven professionals, which has transformed the way job candidates and employers connect online. Follow Marc on Twitter at Cenedella .